A magical, energized, creative time was had by all at the Spalding University Paris residency. Now visiting NY museums, plays and beaches. Saw the Chagall Exhibit at NCMA- huge collection and wonderful displays of this amazing artist who worked in so many mediums, and everywhere form the canvas, the book page, stained glass windows to the Stages of the Met. He lived and created till age 97 and it seems as If I could have even met him if we crossed paths in NY in the early 80's if only I had known.
The How to Train Your Dragon Dream Works Spectacular in NY- was pretty darn "Specular". Actors, brush up your acrobatics, wire work and martial arts!
I suppose, for us in the scriptwriting and story writing biz, we'd better have some fun brushing up our multi techno possibilities for today's tech salivating audience. There was not a laser or project left un lit, let along giant mega dragon puppets in every scale and technology imaginable. Great lifts for tire changing as well as giant Dragon Puppet manipulation! It was actually very, very well done! Kudos to the Dragon team and cast!
Continue to "Change the World" through understanding!