Peekaboo Moon a Bedtime Story

Peekaboo Moon a Bedtime Story
Book and Illustrations by Michelle Meade

Friday, May 11, 2012

Toy Theatre Theatre to Wear- Stage Figure- Me Out

Toy Theatre - Theatre You Can Wear. " Figure Me Out"

artist studio shot

Outer Space Characters Hanging Out at The Gallery. I developed a show that showcases positive social skills, constructive communication and personal problem solving. I was  engaged as a teaching artist to develop new puppets and a script leading the  KWU 3-D  Design Students to design and create custom characters for this new Play, written in and around the real students and using  the newest 21st Century Learning Skills.

Lelah the sweet Asian American  student Bullied in 1940's classroom for my Newspaper in Education Illustrations; 17 in the series published 2012, Author Eunice Bove

Nicky in Ave Q; costumes and puppet design styling by Michelle

Puppet Date with Princeton and Kate

Trachy Monster's Head Shot. Hand built from scratch by Michelle Meade.

My 2 Concept Books with 3-D Design Elements

Awards and Winners

Vanessa Raptor Space Flamingo - Star Host of the Super OuterSpace Circus of Character!

New Art Spring Studio

 Letters to God; Father Son and Holy Ghost

#1 in The Prayer Wall Series

Detail of larger image: Gesso, paint and canvas & thread envelope & 3 feathers applied to reclaimed canvas in distressed wooden frame. Based on research on the "Prayer Wall in the Holy Land" and the interest in the way the world prays.

 Further research revealed Tibetan Prayer Flags, Japanese Prayer Drawers and Special Paper Folds for Prayers on String. If you have an interesting way we pray or try to communicate with God and the Universe, let me know so I may research further on 

As The World Prays.

Prayer Wall Series; #2 :

Call Across the Universe: Green.



Adobe PS Painting Adjustment over Original Art Work


#3 Prayer Wall Series; Call across the Universe; Clay

Living Famous Artist Gift Shop

"Van Coasters"

 What is our world famous artists were famous while they lived and stoked their own gift shops with their own items. This is a further exploration of my curiosity and to honor the tradition of nonsense and an off beat sense of humor where I contrast the human desire to consume "cheap" amusements and to experience "fine" art.




Each Van Coaster is inscribed with some Van Gogh-isms in his letters to his brother Theo from his room here in Arles. I Love Van Gogh and his paintings are rock stars in the world. It would be hard to find a place where starry night, some haystacks, a moonlight cafe, cypress trees or his famous bedroom where he was" to get some rest". What if he could have made his own Gift shop pieces and had his fame and fortune in pop culture while he was alive on the planet? Next up Toulouse-Lautrec- and Chagall's gift shop items.

Piano Pug, Night Sky and Dream Window, River Market Artist

Igor' The Piano Pug

My new Picture Book  in process, based on the true story of  Igor the Piano Pug

                                      The Night Sky

My Photography  and process for my new gated environments; Dream Window and Story Window;  mixed  media painted illustrations series. In the beginning...

"The People Watcher", read the tiny paper tag that came with this vintage bird. I find it very evocative, to myself and audience, readers... to show characters within and without the paintings and photographs. They are regarding the view and situation at hand, as if they may be deciding what may  take place next in the story... This will be devleoped into a short film as well as the artwork and story book.

This fellow wants to be be developed into a short Film as well as the artwork and Story Book.


The Market Artist

Meets the Red Hat Ladies

Which of the three versions do you find the most successful as a story telling photograph? Where you see no one's faces... or where you see more...? I think The first is the most effective as well as, it is at once a story teller,  mysterious and has a sense of humor. Reminded me of a bit of a Norman Rockwell scene.


Market Tulip Trilogy 

Which do you think is most successful as a photo out of these Market Tulip photos?