Peekaboo Moon a Bedtime Story

Peekaboo Moon a Bedtime Story
Book and Illustrations by Michelle Meade

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


Earned my Graduate Certificate this year at Hollins University where I continue work towards my full MFA in Writing and Illustrating Children's Literature. And just completed my Student Teaching  and Art K-12 Teaching Degree in Kansas City.
Earned my Graduate Certificate at Hollins University this year and continuing on to earn my MFA in Writing and Illustrating Children's Literature.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

See and Follow my new Art Charm Painting shop at Etsy!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Artist in Residence for my Children's Books!

 I start my new Artist in Residency at the Lester Raymer Red Barn Studio this week. There I will experiment with new media studies and create new finished works including  updating my Book Dummies for submissions!